Before you request for an appointment
A valid doctors referral
A referral from a general practitioner(GP) is required. Please let your GP knows if you have a specific specialist you would want to get an appointment with.
Note: A referral from a GP will valid for 12 months. A new referral should be obtained from your local doctor every 12 months or for each new problem.
Request for an appointment
Once you have got your referral, please fill in the request for an appointment form below and attached a copy of your scanned referral.
Alternatively, you can call us at 03 9345 6888 or get your GP to submit the referral via our website, fax or email.
Once the request has been received, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to organise the appointment.
Appointment Request Form
01. Choose Type/Specialty
*Please select a few in case the first specialist is not available