
1) Introduce peanut before 12 months – There is evidence that early introduction of peanut before the first birthday is beneficial in reducing subsequent peanut allergy for infants at high risk of food allergies, such as those with severe eczema or who already had a food allergy reaction to egg.

2) Introduce egg before 8 months – It is not recommended that infants are fed raw egg, however there is moderate evidence for the introduction of cooked egg into the diet of infants with a family history of allergy before 8 months of age to reduce the risk of egg allergy.

3) Oily fish consumption – Up to 3 serves of oily fish per week during pregnancy and breastfeeding may be beneficial in preventing eczema in early life.

4) Use of partially hydrolysed formulas – There is NO consistent, convincing evidence to support that hydrolysed formulas (usually labelled HA or hypoallergenic) assists in allergy prevention in infants or children. Find this news helpful? Share this post with family & friends.

19 April 2016

Why should you introduce peanut to your baby before the age of 12 months?

Here is an excellent one-minute video summarising the key points from the landmark 2015 NEJM LEAP trial.

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19 March 2016

4 key points from the updated 2016 ASCIA Infant Feeding Advice and Guidelines for Allergy Prevention in Infants:

1) Introduce peanut before 12 months – There is evidence that early introduction of peanut before the first birthday...

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18 February 2016

Australian-born children with Asian mothers have higher rates of nut allergy than Asian-born children who migrate to Australia.

This suggests that, while the Asian environment appears to be protective against food allergy, Australian-born Asian children are at...

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